I get how it is when you look at a book and wonder if you’ll enjoy it!
How many times have you heard the cliche “Never judge a book by it’s cover”, and yet we so often still do.
Well actually, I sort of hope that if you’re a “cover buyer type”, that the cover of Before The Last All Clear grabs your attention and tells you this is a true tale of how war affects everybody, even the very youngest of children, as it did me.
But just in case you’re the toe-dipper-test-the-water-first-type (no judgement here… honest), and prefer to take a peek inside before you fork over your hard earned dosh for either of my books. How about we make a trade?
You use this handy, dandy form, to send me your name and email address (I promise NEVER to share it) and I’ll shoot you the first TWO chapters lickety-split!
Oh, just one more thing… do me a favor, leave a comment on this page with your thoughts once you’ve read the preview!
Looking For Your Next Good Book?

After returning to Liverpool at the end of the war, he eventually started his own business and naturally there are a few twists and turns along the way before he retired to live in America, but you can read all about it for yourself in his latest book:
All I Want Is A Peaceful World…and A Pork Pie!
You can get a FREE sneak peek at the first FIVE chapters right now – use the form to the left here to send us your email (we promise NEVER to share it with anyone else), we’ll send you the preview by return. You can download instantly on Kindle but now that the ink is dry on the print version we’ve got plenty in stock ready to ship signed copies out immediately 🙂