Written in an easy, conversational style, Ray Evans, proves to be a gifted storyteller with his memoir about experiences as a child evacuee under Operaton Pied Piper, during WW II.
Born in the northern city of Liverpool, England, as the country struggled to recover from the effects of the depression in 1933, he was the sixth child in a family of ten. At the outbreak of war in 1939, Ray was evacuated to Llanelli, South Wales and separated from his family from the of age six to twelve.
In his memoir you are invited to join him for the ride – as he forges through a life begun in adversity, facing challenges head on, yet without hesitation. Don’t be misled though this is not a depressing tale – but an inspiring one. Even as a six year old, caught up in a war he cannot comprehend – Ray develops a fierce tenacity and unyielding spirit of optimism that stays with him for life.
In 2005, his memoir of wartime experiences as an evacuee was published in the UK. One of England’s top newspapers The Daily Mail, serialized his story in an unprecedented three page editorial feature saying these were the “The witty yet deeply poignant memories of a man still haunted by the cruelties he endured.”
Having retired to America Ray, who has now been married to Lilian for 57 years and counting, is thoroughly enjoying his latest adventure as a published author, he sums up his experiences saying
“Evacuation made me grow up quickly, but my six years in exile taught me two things:
- To ALWAYS, look for the bright side of every situation, and NEVER, allow the lows in life to get the better of me.
- There is ALWAYS a light at the end of the tunnel but, you’ll NEVER see it if you don’t look!
After returning to Liverpool at the end of the war he eventually started his own business and naturally there are a few twists and turns along the way before he retired to live in America, but you can read about it for yourself in “All I Want Is A Peaceful World…& A Pork Pie!”…
but you can get a sneak peek at the first two chapters right away – send us your email and we’ll send you the chapters by return and let you know as soon as it’s published 🙂