I get how it is when you look at a book and wonder if you'll enjoy it! How many times have you heard the cliche "Never judge a book by it's cover", and yet we so often still do. Well actually, I sort of hope that if you're a "cover buyer type", that the cover of Before The Last All Clear grabs your attention and tells you …Read more...

Video Trailer
View our 3 minute video trailer about Before The Last All Clear below. The trailer shows how the war and evacuation affected the lives of everyday people throughout England, including the author Ray …Read more...

VIP Reader Programs
Before the Last All Clear is available in most bookstores, through Amazon.com and all the usual outlets. However, when you buy direct from this site, the official home of Ray Evans – Author, we are able to offer two very special VIP Reader programs especially for book clubs, reading groups and schools. In the ‘VIP…Read more…